HiFun Software

Step by step guide to use HiFUN

Prerequisite: A familiarity with setting environment variables in bash shell is expected

Step 1: Setting the environment variables

source /home/pkg/lic/HiFun/hifun-3.1.1/hifunrc_open64_openmpi133

Step 2: Using HiFUN’s GUI for preprocessing grid data
This is a serial mode execution.
User can use any Linux based workstation with sufficient memory (RAM) and disk space, to preprocess grid data.
Execute following command from terminal command prompt:
Follow the instructions displayed on GUI to input relevant information.
Once preprocessing is over, user can transfer data to TYRONE cluster and start his parallel job using HiFUN.

Step 3: To submit solver job in parallel using PBS script on Tyrone
Download sample Job submission file.
Job submission file for executable compiled using gfortran-4.6.0 and openmpi-1.3.3
Job submission file for executable compiled using open64-5.0 and openmpi-1.3.3
Modify ‘Job name’ and values of ‘ppn’ and ‘nodes’ depending on your requirement.

Basic Procedure/Steps to execute HiFUN SOLVER

  • Go to directory <project_dir>/<*_RUN>
  • In directory “Subdomains”, make sure that all the SUBDOMAIN.* files are unzipped. If not, unzip them using following command:

gunzip -rv Subdomains/SUBDOMAIN.*.gz

  • Edit job submission file to change following parameters:

number of nodes: “select=<number of nodes>”
number of processes: “-np <number of processess>”

  • Run the solver in <*_RUN> directory using following command:

qsub submit.job

  • For checking job status qstat
  • For killing the job qdel -W force <jobid>
  • To monitor the job tail -f residue.dat
  • To look for errors tail output
  • To plot residue files gnuplot

Input files for HiFUN solver in directory *_RUN/Flowsolver_input

Following is the brief description of files present in directory Flowsolver_input:

  • automatic_cfl_ramping.inp: Enables to automatically increase the CFL multiplying factor. If available, this file overrides the CFL multiplying factor value set.

Number of lines
Start iteration, End iteration, CFL multiplying factor (For number of lines)

  • boundary_information.inp: Set data pertaining to wall, pressure inlet, pressure outlet and fluid Zones.
  • freestream.inp: Set the free stream parameters and reference parameters.
  • halt.inp: Set the halt option for halting the solver run.
  • lift_drag_contrib.inp: Set contribution of wall boundaries to global force and moment coeffs.
  • run_option.inp: Set whether grid data read is serial or parallel.
  • userchoice.inp: Set the flow solver input parameters.

Files Generated by HiFUN SOLVER

Files required for postprocessor:
restart*.dat : Restart files storing data storing for all the subdomains
restartbak*.dat : Restart (backup) files storing solution data for
wall*.dat : Files containing wall data for subdomains

Files of immediate interest to user:

force_coefficients.dat: Contains as many lines as the number of walls in the grid data.

Format of line i:
wall_index Cx_pressure, Cx_viscous, Cx,
Cy_pressure, Cy_viscous, Cy,
Cz_pressure, Cz_viscous, Cz,
CMx_pressure, CMx_viscous, CMx,
CMy_pressure, CMy_viscous, CMy,
CMz_pressure, CMz_viscous, Cmz

info.usr: Some information about solver setting and free stream condition.

Iter_eq_1_residue.dat: Relative residue for conserved and primitive variables at first iteration.

relative_residue.dat: Relative residue for conserved and primitive variables

Iter_no, density (residue), x-momentum, y-momentum, z-momentum, energy,
pressure, u-velocity, v-velocity, w-velocity, temperature

Iter_no, density residue, CFL number, ignore, ignore,
modified turbulent viscosity residue, time per iteration in sec

total_force_moment_coeffs.dat: Force and moment coefficients for entire configuration.

iter_no, Cx_pressure, Cx_viscous, Cx,
Cy_pressure, Cy_viscous, Cy,
Cz_pressure, Cz_viscous, Cz,
CMx_pressure, CMx_viscous, CMx,
CMy_pressure, CMy_viscous, CMy,
CMz_pressure, CMz_viscous, CMz

Plotting the Convergence Histories

  • Go to particular RUN directory and issue following command from command prompt:
  • gnuplot
  • To plot the residue:

plot ‘residue.dat’ u 1:2 w l,’residue.dat’ u 1:6 w l