Matlab-TAH Model 



Allows campus-wide access on university-owned computers to all faculty, staff and students.  TAH Campus licenses support two activation types: 


1.TAH Designated Computer (Individual / Personal Laptop)

2.TAH Network Concurrent User (Concurrent / Department Desktops)

The versions available under Matlab-TAH start from Matlab 2016 onwards.

Mathematica Mathematica is a software package which can be used extensively for numerical applications, symbolic manipulation, data visualization and many other purposes. 
Maple MAPLE 2023 is currently available on Fedlx, Ganga machines and on the Dell Visualization servers. These are remotely accessible inside the IISc network. In addition, installers for Windows, Linux and Mac are made available in the SERC file server which can be used to install Maple on your personal as well as lab machines.
Older Matlab versions

MATLAB, the language of technical computing, is a programming environment for algorithm development, data analysis, visualization, and numeric computation. 


(These Matlab versions will support 32bit and 64bit operating systems)


MNova The program provides a variety of conversion facilities for most NMR and LC/GC/MS spectrometer and chromatogram formats and includes all the conventional processing, displaying, and plotting capabilities of an NMR program, as well as more advanced processing techniques with a very user friendly graphical interface.
Intel Compilers The Intel Compilers for Fortran and C version 10.1 have been installed at SERC. you can use them on the machines in the first floor bay area, sunlx, fedlx and hplx, at SERC.
Intel Parallel Studio

Intel Parallel Studio XE helps developers take their enterprise-to-cloud HPC and AI applications to the max—with fast, scalable, and portable parallel code.  It is a comprehensive suite of development tools that make it fast and easy to build modern code that gets every last ounce of performance out of the newest Intel processors. This tool-packed suite simplifies creating code with the latest techniques in vectorization, multi-threading, multi-node, and memory optimization.

Intel Parallel Studio XE is a software development product developed by Intel that facilitates native code development in C++ and Fortran for parallel computing. Parallel programming enables software programs to take advantage of multi-core processors from Intel and other processor vendors.

SERC has procured two editions: 1.Composer Edition & 2.Cluster Edition. The software has been successfully installed and tested in SERC. It is now available on linux platforms for use by the IISc user community.


Tecplot Tecplot, the plotting and visualization software that helps present your work in its best light.


For any queries, raise a ticket in the helpdesk or please contact System Administrator, #119,SERC.