SERC strives to increase scientific productivity of its users through technical support, education, advocacy,and the development and deployment of new computational and data technologies.
The High Performane Computing ecosystem presents unique challenges to the scientific and engineering user community to make best use of compute resources at SERC. While the infrastructure side, consisting of hardware,system software, numerical software libraries, data analysis and visualization tools evolves rapidly over the course of a few years, many research application codes are complex and life-cycle routinely spans decades. As a result, code modernization, porting and optimization are necessary to exploit the capabilities of state-of-the-art systems at the Centre.
SERC’s consulting staff have domain expertize as well as long years of practitioner experience with HPC. The staff engage with users on a wide range of user issues, from long term collaboration in scientific computing, code optimization to help with third-party applications, library support and web documentation. The consulting staff also engage in training HPC users from within and oustide IISc through scheduled events and specific requests from Groups/Departments.
For HPC code optimization and for HPC Consulting contact Dr. Aditya Krishna Swamy (
General Problems on Computer systems and software packagesFor problems relating to computer systems and software packages supported by SERC, please send an e-mail to helpdesk or contact 2737, or SERC extension 103. Network related problemsFor network related problems, please send an e-mail to networksupport or contact 2737, extn #515. User information on SERC systemsUser information on various aspects relating SERC systems and services are available here System Specific Administrator ContactInformation about SERC staff in-charge of various computing systems are listed below. If you face any problem in functionality of any systems, please report it to the corresponding system adminstrators. CRAY XC40.
Dell Cluster, Delta Cluster, Fermi Cluster, Tesla Cluster, Tyrone Cluster, NVIDIA DGX-1 Cluster.
File Servers.
The staff mentioned above, will be available during office hours on all working days. |