Charges for usage will be based on:
High Priority Queues: These queues have higher priority than the regular queues. The details of the queues are given in the High Priority Queues page. The charges for using these high-priority queues are as follows:
Note: These queues will be allowed access to the users only on advance payment. To obtain access to these high-priority queues, users are requested to fill the pdf form available below and send scanned pdf form of the same to>Form Before filling form users must have Param Pravega access.
Regular Queues : Regular queues are provided by default to users who have access to the Param Pravega system. Charges for usage will be based on annual usage according to various slabs as follows. The slabs correspond to usage by a faculty’s group / lab in a year: CPU-based Supercomputer Systems including the current (Param Pravega CPU, Roddam Narasimha CPU) systems and future systems
Free usage:
Modes of payment Faculty can either make payments against usage or can make advance payments for future usage. For both kinds of payments, the payment form given in the link at the top of this page can be used.
GPU-based Systems of the current (Param Pravega GPU, NVIDIA DGX-1, Roddam Narasimha GPU) systems and future systems
Free usage: