
Torch is a scientific computing framework with wide support for deep learning algorithms. Torch is easy to use and efficient, thanks to an easy and fast scripting language, Lua, and an underlying C/CUDA implementation.

Running Torch :

Before running the container, use docker pull to ensure an up-to-date image is installed. Once the pull is complete, you can run the container image.

Procedure :

  1. In the Tags section, locate the container image release that you want to run.
  2. In the Pull column, click the icon to copy the docker pull command.
  3. Open a command prompt and paste the pull command. The pulling of the container image begins. Ensure the pull completes successfully before proceeding to the next step.
  4. Run the container image. To run the container, choose interactive mode non-interactive mode.a. Interactive mode: Open a command prompt and issue:         

          nvidia-docker run -it --rm -v local_dir:container_dir<xx.xx>

b. Non-interactive mode: Open a command prompt and issue:

          nvidia-docker run --rm -v local_dir:container_dir<xx.xx> <command>


  • -it means run in interactive mode
  • --rm will delete the container when finished
  • -v is the mounting directory


For any queries, raise a ticket in the helpdesk or please contact System Administrator, #103,SERC.