Cerius2 4.9


Cerius2 is a comprehensive suite of modeling and simulation solutions for studying chemicals and materials. The software has features for analytical and crystallization applications, polymers and classical simulation, quantum and catalysis, and visualization and statistics.


Where is this available?

This software is available on all the SGI workstations
housed in the computational bays at SERC.


How to use Cerius 2:

Login with your computational loginid.

Add the following line in your .cshrc
file and save it.

set path=($path /home/pkg/lic/acc2004/cerius2_c49/bin)

Execute the following command:

source .cshrc

To invoke execute the following command:.


Report Problems to:

If you encounter any problem in using
this software Please report to us at the following email
address helpdesk@serc.iisc.ernet.in or contact System
Administrators in 209 (SERC).