Technical Reports


  1. Dhanya M, J. Lakshmi, Mudit Verma, Pooja Agarwal, “Micro-service Topology Discovery Tool,” CSL-TechnicalReport-03, May, 2022, (PDF)



  1. Mitsu Mehta, S. K. Nandy, J. Lakshmi, “ViSMA: Virtualization and Security Aware Multi-core Architecture”, ViSMA Completion Report, June 2016 (PDF)


  1. J. Lakshmi, S. K. Nandy, Aakriti Gupta, Pavan Kumar Akulakrishna, Vaibhav Ankush Kachore, “Cloud Framework for IoT associated GPS location based applications”, Technical Report, Cloud Systems Lab, SERC, IISc, Bangalore-12, India, Oct. 2015.(PDF)


  1. J Lakshmi, S K Nandy, Ranjani Narayan and Keshavan Varadarajan, “Aids to Pro-active Management of Distributed Resources through Dynamic Fault-Localization and Availability Prognosis“, FaultLocalization-TR01-CADlab, May 2006 (PDF)