MATLAB R2015b (version 8.6) is installed in SERC. MATLAB, the language of technical computing, is a programming environment for algorithm development, data analysis, visualization, and numeric computation. Simulink® is a graphical environment for simulation and Model-Based Design of multidomain dynamic and embedded systems.MATLAB PCT parallel profile works only on the local system. Click on local below for details
. local NOTE: Make sure that you include only the directory in MATLAB path for that profile which is set as default. Other profile directories should not be on the path. In which systems is MATLAB available ?MATLAB R2015b (Version 8.6) is currently available on all the access stations in SERC Bay Area (1st Floor). You can use MATLAB from a ascii terminal, but an X-window system will support more graphic displays. How to invoke MATLAB ?Path for matlab-R2015b: /home/pkg/lic/matlab-tah-R2015b/bin For C-shell: set path=(/home/pkg/lic/matlab-tah-R2015b/bin $path) For ksh or bash: export PATH=/home/pkg/lic/matlab-tah-R2015b/bin:$PATH How to Install MATLAB-R2015b on my department machine?It can run in 32-bit Windows Machines also. Installation Guide (includes instructions to download also) Installation Guide for Designated Computer (Stand Alone PCs)Forms to apply for Designated Computer (Stand Alone) License Installation Procedure Note for Standalone License Users:Activating expiring MATLAB license for the next academic year What are all Tool boxes available in MATLAB-R2015b (8.6)?MATLAB Compiler SDK6.1
Where do I get help ? MATLAB is an interactive programme with on-line help. To get an overview of MATLAB type intro from the MATLAB prompt. The help command tells you the topics (directories) available in MATLAB. The command help directory_name or help function_name gives more detailed help about the directory or the function. You can also look for a particular topic by typing lookfor topic. For further assistance, contact to by E-mail or phone(#109 within SERC). |