
HiFUN: High Resolution Flow Solver on Unstructured meshes
Flow solver HiFUN, the primary product of SandI, is a general purpose industry standard flow solver for fluid flow analysis employing unstructured data based algorithms.HiFUN also serves as a research bed for exploring newer CFD algorithms. HiFUN is fine tuned to solve typical Aerospace applications and certain flow problems encountered in automotive industries. The code has been extensively used for solving a number of problems, over a wide range of Mach numbers, ranging from airship aerodynamics to aerodynamics of hypersonic vehicles.The algorithmic details of HiFUN and its validation are available at location http://sandi.co.in/v2/home/products.

Vendor: S & I Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
S & I Engineering Solutions (SandI: http://sandi.co.in) Pvt. Ltd. is a venture company started through an incubation program initiated by Society for Innovation and Development (SID), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. SandI is a technology driven company championing research and development of state-of-the-art CFD technologies with uncompromising quality standards for the benefit of the industry.

Modules :

  1. The module prehifun provides license for preprocessing grid data from .msh / (limited) cgns format to HiFUN’s native format.
  2. The modules hifun_core & hifun_process provide license for executing solver with required number of process-ranks
  3. The module posthifun provides license for writing grid and solution data in one of .vtk, .cgns or .plt (Tecplot) formats.


HiFUN has preprocessing utility to convert mesh file obtained from grid generator in .msh or (limited) .cgns format to its native format. This utility needs to be executed in “serial” mode through GUI. For preprocessing mesh data, use Linux workstation class of front end system (X86-64 bit) available at SERC. The preprocessing utility typically requires 400 MB RAM per million finite volumes.  The solver execution, on the other hand, is in “parallel” mode and at present it is available on compute platform Tyrone at SERC. Typical memory required for solver is 800 MB per million finite volumes.

License Type : Floating
License Manager : Chitragupta

Servers :
Tyrone-Head Node

The number of licenses available for aforementioned modules are as follows:

  • prehifun 10
  • hifun_process 10
  • hifun_core 1000
  • posthifun 10

Installation path: /home/pkg/lic/HiFun/hifun-4.1.1

Environmental set up in Tyrone-Cluster

This software works only in bash shell

BASH:source /home/pkg/lic/HiFun/hifun-4.1.1/hifunrc

A sample scriptfile can be like this:

Hifun (compiled with intel )sample bash script

#Sample mpi job script for 64-core run
#PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=64:large
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00
source /home/pkg/lic/HiFun/hifun-4.1.1/HiFUN_RC_Files/hifunrc_Intel.bash
PBS_O_WORKDIR= < Complete path of working run directory > 
/home/pkg/lic/HiFun/hifun-3.1.1/Third_Party/openmpi-1.3.3/bin/mpirun --machinefile 
${PBS_NODEFILE} -np ${NPROCS} /home/pkg/lic/HiFun/hifun-4.1.1/bin/hifun_executable
_intel > output

Hifun ( compiled with open64) sample bash script

#Sample mpi job script for 64-core run
#PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=64:large
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00
source /home/pkg/lic/HiFun/hifun-4.1.1/HiFUN_RC_Files/hifunrc_open64_openmpi133.bash
PBS_O_WORKDIR= < Complete path of working run directory >
/home/pkg/lic/HiFun/amd64/OPEN64/openmpi-133_install/bin/mpirun --machinefile $
{PBS_NODEFILE} -np ${NPROCS} /home/pkg/lic/HiFun/hifun-4.1.1/bin/hifun_executable
_open64 > output

Hifun (compiled with gnu) sample bash script

#Sample mpi job script for 32-core run
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=32:debug
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00
HOSTS=`cat $PBS_NODEFILE | uniq | tr '\n' "," | sed 's|,$||'`
source /home/pkg/lic/HiFun/hifun-4.1.1/HiFUN_RC_Files/hifunrc_gfortran_openmpi133.bash
cd < current working directory >
/home/pkg/lic/HiFun/hifun-4.1.1/Third_Party/openmpi/bin/mpirun --mca btl_tcp_if_include 
ib0 --machinefile ${PBS_NODEFILE} -np ${NPROCS} 
/home/pkg/lic/HiFun/hifun-4.1.1/bin/hifun_executable > output


  1. Step by step guide to use HiFUN
  2. Important notes before executing HiFUN Solver
  3. Hifun Documentation

Software documentation:

Documentation on HiFUN’s usage is available at

In setup/home/pkg/lic/HiFun/hifun-4.1.1/doc/documentation.pdf

Report Problems to: 
For any queries, raise a ticket in the helpdesk or please contact System Administrator, #103,SERC.